Pyroshow with Comet FX

form icovideo sample
form icotechnical rider
form icostage plan
  • show duration:

    3-7 minutes

  • no. of performers:


  • no. of acts:

    cca 8

  • used effects:

    comet fx, pyrotechnics

  • space required:

    optimum: 30x20 m, minimum 8x6 m,
    podium without roof, grass, asfalt, concrete or sand

  • indoor/outdoor:

    Outdoor only

  • safety:

    no volatile objects in and close to performing area, fire guards are mandatory

  • music:

    prerecorded on a CD,
    music playback  +  Ridina Ahmed vocal
    live music

  • audio:

    powerfull P.A. with a CD player or microphones & mixing desk

  • lighting:

    darkness, switch off all non stage lights, soft blue PARs/moving heads & fog or hazer welcome

  • decorations:

    candles, eventually custom made burning decorations

  • backstage:

    1 x parking place for our van, dressing room, eventually food & drinks